Directors Penalty Notice – ATO Tax Debt? Directors beware of the DPN
The ATO began writing to directors early 2022 in relation to unpaid tax. The tax office intended on informing directors

directors personal liability
With the Jobkeeper subsidy having now ended, it is a timely reminder for directors to understand the personal liability they

Business, Director, Insolvency
Business, Director, Insolvency. Before deciding to liquidate, speak with restructuring and turnaround practitioner Eddie.

SME Business Advisory Services Program – SA Businesses can access up to $10,000 in Government funding
The South Australian Government has assistance programs to help you start, run and grow your business. The Department of Skills

Supporting South Australian businesses affected by bushfire
Supporting South Australian businesses affected by bushfire The 2019/2020 bushfire season has had a devastating effect on people and businesses

Safe Harbour Definition
Safe Harbour: Definition What IS a ‘safe harbour’, exactly? How do we arrive at a safe harbour definition? How does

Business Turnaround Definition
Business Turnaround Definition There have been many attempts to place a definition on ‘Business Turnaround‘. However, these are quickly becoming

Safe Harbour Process – Avoid Personal Liability
Safe Harbour Process Safe Harbour under section 588GA of the Corporations Act 2001 was introduced in September 2017. It’s purpose

Cash Crisis? Get Turnaround Advice!
The first rule of a cash crisis is: Never wait! Just like facing down an opponent in the movie Fight
aicd, amnesty | asic, asx | ato | avcal | bankrupt | bankruptcy | ben-heaney | better-outcome | business-angels | business-continuity | business-judgement-rule | business-resilience | business-sales | case-law | cashflow | coronavirus | crisis | day-sales-outstanding | debt-collection | decision-making | defacto-director | director-disqualification | directors | directors-penalty-notice | disruption | doca | dpn | dummy-director | eddie-griffith | enforcement-stay | failure | finance | financial-crisis | financial-distress | finsia | garnishee-notice | gst-personal-liability | informal-restructure | informal-workouts | insolvency | insolvent-trading | ipso-facto | landlord | landlord-guarantee | lawyers | lease-agreements | legal-advice | liquidation | lockdown-directors-penalty-notice | lockdown-dpn | michael-durbridge | negotiation | negotiations-creditors | operational-turnaround | pandemic-business | personal-liability | phoenixing | pre-insolvency-advisors | pre-positioned-sale | prepack | pressure | private-equity | recapitalise | regroup-solutions-advisory-board | renegotiate | rescue | restructuring | retain | risk | risk-management | safe-harbour | safe-harbour-disclosure | scheme-of-arrangement | security-interest | sg-amnesty | sgc | sgc-statement | shadow-director | single-touch-payroll | stanley-co-lawyers | statutory-demand | stp | succession-planning | superannuation | supply-contracts | tax-debt | termination-clauses | transformation | turnaround | turnaround-practitioners | venture-capitalists