Superannuation Guarantee Amnesty Bill has passed, six months to disclose historical non-compliance before tougher penalties apply…
The Treasury Laws Amendment (Recovering Unpaid Superannuation) Bill 2019 has now been passed. Finally. Not before there was a fair

Informal restructure – breathing space needed for competitive advantage
An informal restructure can give your distressed business the breathing space it needs to gain a competitive advantage. Insolvency Academic

Cashflow Advice Adelaide – Insolvency and Safe harbour – Insolvency Indicators
Are you seeking cashflow advice Adelaide? Has the COVID19 crisis hit your business hard? Gaining access to the ‘Safe Harbour’

New phoenixing laws expose advisors to the fire…
Harry Potter might have been able to escape the government’s clutches with the help of a phoenix, but you and

Making sure you are getting paid by your customers…
Every business owner knows that getting paid by your customers is not easy. Imagine this scenario… A major customer of

Succession: TekNet acquires 25 year old SA family business Loftus IT
The recently established South Australian office of UK firm TekNet has acquired local IT managed services pioneer Loftus IT for an undisclosed sum

Statutory Demand
Receiving a Statutory Demand A Statutory Demand is very different to a standard letter of demand issued by a creditor.

Superannuation Guarantee Amnesty
The ATO estimated that in 2014-2015 alone, employers failed to pay nearly $3 billion in superannuation earnt by workers, or

Directors Safe Harbour – Risk & Innovation
The Directors Safe Harbour can be useful for entrepreneurs as it can help embrace risk and encourage innovation. It is
aicd, amnesty | asic, asx | ato | avcal | bankrupt | bankruptcy | ben-heaney | better-outcome | business-angels | business-continuity | business-judgement-rule | business-resilience | business-sales | case-law | cashflow | coronavirus | crisis | day-sales-outstanding | debt-collection | decision-making | defacto-director | director-disqualification | directors | directors-penalty-notice | disruption | doca | dpn | dummy-director | eddie-griffith | enforcement-stay | failure | finance | financial-crisis | financial-distress | finsia | garnishee-notice | gst-personal-liability | informal-restructure | informal-workouts | insolvency | insolvent-trading | ipso-facto | landlord | landlord-guarantee | lawyers | lease-agreements | legal-advice | liquidation | lockdown-directors-penalty-notice | lockdown-dpn | michael-durbridge | negotiation | negotiations-creditors | operational-turnaround | pandemic-business | personal-liability | phoenixing | pre-insolvency-advisors | pre-positioned-sale | prepack | pressure | private-equity | recapitalise | regroup-solutions-advisory-board | renegotiate | rescue | restructuring | retain | risk | risk-management | safe-harbour | safe-harbour-disclosure | scheme-of-arrangement | security-interest | sg-amnesty | sgc | sgc-statement | shadow-director | single-touch-payroll | stanley-co-lawyers | statutory-demand | stp | succession-planning | superannuation | supply-contracts | tax-debt | termination-clauses | transformation | turnaround | turnaround-practitioners | venture-capitalists