Business, Director, Insolvency. Before deciding to liquidate, speak with restructuring and turnaround practitioner Eddie.
Business Turnaround Business Turnaround is essential for economic growth – especially due to the COVID19 crisis. You might not have…
In response to the pandemic, a range of economic measures have been announced. Referred to as the COVID-19 Safe Harbour,…
ATO Debt – What if you don’t pay? Approximately $20 billion of unpaid ATO debt remained outstanding in 2016. Businesses…
Harry Potter might have been able to escape the government’s clutches with the help of a phoenix, but you and…
Every business owner knows that getting paid by your customers is not easy. Imagine this scenario… A major customer of…
Receiving a Statutory Demand A Statutory Demand is very different to a standard letter of demand issued by a creditor.…
UK Turnaround – Safe Harbour: Could Australia’s new insolvency legislation be a model for the UK? UK turnaround is a…
Ipso Facto Clause Stay – ’24 days left to have your say’ The Treasury Laws Amendment (2017 Enterprise Incentives No.…
Financial Literacy All directors must have some financial literacy in order to fulfil their duties and responsibilities to the company. This…
Twilight Zone When a company is under performing financially, directors might: do nothing or procrastinate; decide to resign or jump…
The laws are changing to allow directors to attempt a turnaround or restructure outside of a formal insolvency regime –…